The fields of application of Digital Forensics are multiple and constantly evolving. Risks such as data theft or intellectual property litigation can seriously affect a company economically and irretrievably damage its reputation, if not addressed properly.
If, on the one hand, digitalization allows access to a quantity of information and data that until a few years ago were inaccessible, on the other, disciplines such as Digital Forensics require specific skills and in-depth legal knowledge related to the digital world.

Given the particularly delicate nature of the activity,
it is always advisable to consult certified experts.
Argo operates in compliance with the relevant laws, following specific legal procedures for the collection and use of the digital evidence found, ensuring the integrity of the data.

Our approach combines the most innovative international technologies with high operational agility, supported by the best specialized technicians
in Digital Forensics.

Our professionals, always in step with technological and regulatory evolution, are able to extract data of interest from any electronic device, processing them into information useful for judicial action. Even in the case of data deleted, hidden, or present on compromised devices.

All the processes adopted employ robust forensic techniques to ensure that the results are reliable and reproducible in court.
The methodology we use complies with international procedures and best practices in the field of Digital Forensics.

We ensure a quick and effective response aimed at protecting rights, know-how and corporate assets, we help our customers to make the most of the electronic evidence collected and we provide them with all the useful elements to make decisions based on clear and precise information.

Computer Forensics
Mobile Device Forensics
Web Forensics

Computer Forensics

When it is necessary to find data from a computer, a hard disk or other digital storage device, identifying and extracting the necessary artifacts can prove to be an extremely complex operation, especially when the objective is to reconstruct past events as part of an investigation or litigation.

With solid experience in forensic investigations, we help companies to acquire crucial data and information from any device, supporting them in choosing any actions to take.

We meticulously recover and analyze electronic traces present in the devices of interest, eliminating any contamination and ensuring their integrity and authenticity. Using the most up-to-date forensic tools and techniques, our specialized experts are able to extract not only the present data, but also the temporary, deleted and fragmented data, ensuring that no element is overlooked.


Mobile Device Forensics

The activity of Mobile Device Forensics is taking on an increasingly important role in the business environment, given the changes to which the way of carrying out the work activity is subject, increasingly oriented towards mobility, with the mobile phone that often complements, and sometimes completely replaces, the fixed computer.

The particular nature of mobile devices, subject to continuous updates and evolutions, makes the retrieval and extraction of data extremely laborious and difficult, making it impossible to adopt standard analysis protocols.

Thanks to their deep technical expertise and continuous updating, our professionals are able to identify, find and examine the data contained in any mobile device.

Through advanced forensic analysis processes, we acquire, analyze and correlate digital data of interest, processing them into information useful for judicial action.

We provide companies with all the information they need to make informed decisions and help them to effectively use the electronic evidence collected..

All the processes adopted comply with the international standard ISO 27037:2012 and use solid forensic techniques to ensure that the results are reliable and manufacturable in court.


Web Forensics

Within businesses and organizations, Web Forensics is applied in multiple situations when there is a need to prove and ascertain cybercrimes, illegal online activities, security breaches and other crimes involving the use of the network.

Through solid forensic techniques and cutting-edge instrumentation, we recover, analyze and interpret data from the Internet and other web services, crystallizing their contents and certifying their integrity and veracity.

The solid experience gained in the field of forensic investigations, combined with our strategic vision, allows us to help companies to make the most of the evidence collected and to effectively support them in any actions to be taken.
We comply with the international standard ISO 27037:2012 and we only adopt methods of acquisition that have probative value in court, such as forensic copying, thus avoiding the risk of a possible disrecognition of the digital evidence.