Timely and responsive business intelligence to unexpected events is crucial for the growth and development of businesses and organizations in every sector.

In an economic environment where complexity and interconnectivity continuously expose us to new risks, the ability to quickly obtain reliable and valuable information is essential to remain competitive in today's market.

We help companies to manage and anticipate critical situations and to recognize business opportunities, providing strategic support and encouraging a faster, more conscious and forward-looking decision-making process.

Our portfolio of intelligence services encompasses a wide range of skills, from computer analysis, to financial analysis, to digital analysis, providing businesses and organizations with the tools to make informed operational and strategic decisions.

Leveraging a wide network of resources and employing the most performing technologies, our specialized team creates customized Intelligence solutions, ensuring transparency, confidentiality and security at every stage of the process.

Our commitment is reflected in our dedication to offering not only advanced data and insights, but also real strategic consulting and comprehensive analysis services.

Threat Intelligence
Due Diligence
Brand & Protection Intelligence
Asset and Financial Investigations
Digital Profiling
Third-Party Analysis
M&A Intelligence
ESG intelligence
Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies Intelligence
Deep Fake Detection

Threat Intelligence

Cyber threats have increasingly evolved and can have serious repercussions on the economic stability of a company and its reputation. Knowing in depth the vulnerabilities and critical points of its cybersecurity is now essential to maintain the trust of customers and shareholders and to ensure business continuity, reducing downtime to a minimum.

Our Threat Intelligence service identifies present and future cybersecurity threats and allows companies to take proactive measures aimed at protect networks, computer systems and sensitive data from possible digital attacks or other security breaches.

We build a unique and personalized defense strategy.

Through the use of cutting-edge technologies and artificial intelligence, the best technicians specialized in cyber security are able to better evaluate, monitor and manage every possible risk situation, always complying with the GDPR and the highest industry standards.

Our advanced Intelligence analyzes the risk profile of a company, identifies its vulnerabilities, evaluates its weaknesses and elaborates a quick and effective defense against accidents, creating a unique and tailor-made cybersecurity strategy.

A proactive and conscious approach is the best solution to minimize risks related to cyber security. In addition, adopting a preventive strategy allows companies not only to focus exclusively on the development of their core business, but also to gain an advantage over competitors.


Due Diligence

Navigating the complex scenario of business relationships can be particularly difficult, for this reason it is always advisable to rely on an experienced partner.

We conduct precise and in-depth investigations, identifying warning signs, possible obstacles and potential risks.

Through a holistic approach which thoroughly analyzes the financial, legal, operational and commercial soundness of the party subject to the negotiation, the service provides, through documentation and reporting activities, Key information essential for making informed decisions whether or not to continue the transaction or transaction.

With deep experience and a wide range of sector expertise, we carry out complete control and provide the customer with an integrated perspective that allows them to make informed decisions with peace of mind.

The use of the most innovative technologies, including artificial intelligence, allows us to effectively and thoroughly analyze large amounts of data and information, ensuring timely and reliable results.

We offer a complete vision while remaining faithful to the highest quality standards, always keeping high attention to aspects of compliance with regulations, in particular on environmental and safety aspects.


Brand & Protection Intelligence

A company's brand can be subject to a wide range of uses by anyone, for this reason it is advisable to conduct constant investigations and monitoring, aimed at identifying cases in which a trademark violation occurs.

The association of the brand with inconvenient situations, or with incorrect information, can prove to be extremely harmful to the reputation of the brand and the company itself.

Our Brand & Protection Intelligence service protects the brand from cases of defamation, vulgarization and misuse, limiting the risks associated with the violation and counterfeiting of products and protecting the company from all those external threats capable of damaging it.

Through the most advanced technologies, we analyze and monitor the presence of the brand, recognize illegal uses and we propose to the company the best intervention strategies to protect itself.

We take a comprehensive approach: from identifying violations, to conducting investigations, to acquiring evidence admissible in court.

We keep the company's reputation safe and protect it from fraud, counterfeiting, imitation, piracy and other types of threats, preserving the trust of consumers and investors.


Asset and Financial Investigations

In the difficult and unpredictable business world, it is essential to have a reliable and experienced partner for managing critical situations such as those related to assets and financial resources.

Through analysis, verification and risk assessment, we provide a complete and accurate picture of a person's financial and financial position, allowing companies to make informed decisions on legal, commercial or other questions.

The great experience gained in the investigative field, combined with the most advanced intelligence, allows us to adopt a complete and multifaceted approach to each investigation, always offering timely and timely results.

Given the particular nature and sensitivity of the data subject to the investigation, we operate with the utmost confidentiality and professionalism, always ensuring compliance with national and international regulations.

By providing a clear and detailed overview of an individual's economic and financial situation, our strategic investigation service provides all the information and recommendations useful to protect business interests and to deal with complex situations such as credit recovery.


Digital Profiling

In the vast digital scenario, saturated with information and in which the online presence is increasingly widespread, we are a strategic partner in conducting digital investigations precise and unbiased.

In compliance with privacy and relevant regulations, our Digital Profiling service creates a detailed profile of a physical or legal entity, based on the analysis and interpretation of the information collected through online and digital activities.

With an approach based on confidentiality and professionalism, our team of experts works in the regulatory compliance of forensic analysis, carefully examining online data and behavior, in order to obtain an in-depth understanding of the preferences, interests, activities and characteristics of a given subject, obtaining strategic information for marketing, market analysis and IT security purposes.

We apply cutting-edge intelligence and profiling techniques and, thanks to our solid experience, we are able to provide valuable insights that help companies make informed and informed decisions.


Third-Party Analysis

Third parties are one of the key factors for the success of a company, knowing in depth the realities with which it collaborates is essential to avoid inconvenient incidents such as regulatory actions, damage to reputation and loss of revenues.

Our advanced consulting service provides recommendations on the most appropriate ways to limit the identified risk area and on the procedures to be adopted to maximize the business opportunities associated with third parties.

Through an integrated process, based on meticulous research and cutting-edge technology, we examine and evaluate relationships and any negotiating area associated with entities outside the organization, providing comprehensive solutions to implement an effective and long-lasting third-party management system.

The vast experience gained in investigations, intelligence and legal support allows us to conduct investigations on all types of third parties and on all the risks related to them, always ensuring transparent, complete and reliable business management.

Strategic third-party risk management, if properly employed, helps to strengthen business stability and can generate value.


M&A Intelligence

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are an integral part of a company's growth strategy and represent a great opportunity to expand and consolidate its presence on the market.

Having an M&A Intelligence service is essential to understand the context in which the target companies involved in the transaction operate, to evaluate their financial results, the soundness of the business model and identify any hidden dangers.

We work in synergy with companies, helping them to make informed, secure and strategic M&A decisions, ensuring the reduction of risks and maximizing business opportunities.

The multidisciplinary and dynamic approach, combined with experienced professionals and cutting-edge technologies, allows us to conduct analyses that go beyond traditional Due Diligence.

We provide all the necessary elements to safeguard the company both from a reputational point of view and from a financial point of view, ensuring that transactions are profitable and at the same time secure.

Our team provides essential information to be able to make informed decisions related to mergers, acquisitions and other strategic and financial corporate transactions, helping companies to thrive in today's complex economic scenario.


ESG intelligence

In a changing and extremely competitive business environment like today, a service based on a deep knowledge of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors is necessary to invest with confidence in the complex scenario of sustainability and social responsibility.

To adopt a successful sustainability and corporate responsibility strategy, it is not enough to reduce your environmental impact or focus on energy saving actions.

Our ESG Intelligence service provides strategic information and in-depth analysis on environmental, social and governance factors related to a company or investment, allowing stakeholders and stakeholders to make informed decisions.

We help companies to define and implement a structured strategic planning, transforming the concepts of sustainability and responsibility into a source of lasting and growing value over time.

In such a difficult and delicate path, Business Intelligence plays a decisive role, allowing potential risks and possible ESG opportunities to be identified.

Precise, customized and advanced solutions they allow you to monitor, analyze and report the results obtained, so as to identify areas for improvement and any pain points that require corrective actions.

A deep competence, combined with the use of cutting-edge technology, allows us to provide in-depth and immediately expendable insights, allowing the company to create long-term value and to make decisions based on accurate and reliable information.

With a proactive and advanced approach, we accompany companies through this articulated and complex path, guiding them towards informed, ethical and sustainable investment decisions, always ensuring compliance with national and international regulations in every sector and country.


Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies Intelligence

In the intricate and difficult world of cryptocurrencies, we are an experienced and reliable partner to help companies and organizations to orient themselves and navigate such a complex and multifaceted landscape.

We provide critical information and analysis, aimed at understanding, monitoring and investigating cryptocurrency transactions and activities related to blockchain technology, in order to prevent fraud, financial crimes and other illegal activities.

We support companies and financial institutions in maintaining compliance with cryptocurrency laws and regulations, including anti-money laundering (AML) and customer identity verification (KYC) standards.

Combining decades of experience in the sector with the most innovative software and technological tools available on the market, our team leads advanced investigations deepening every aspect related to cryptocurrency transactions and possessions, always ensuring transparency and compliance with current regulations.

We offer strategic advice and provide quick and effective solutions to address and manage any type of problem.


Deep Fake Detection

Deepfakes pose a threat both to digital security and to the credibility of individuals, companies and organizations, with potential impacts on the economic and reputational framework.

The spread of this phenomenon, which blurs the distinction between reality and fiction, is now a fundamental challenge to preserve the integrity and authenticity of information.

At the forefront of technological innovation, we offer a pioneering service in the detection of manipulated digital content.

Through advanced multimedia analysis and innovative artificial intelligence algorithms, our deepfake detection solutions are designed to recognize and mitigate the risks associated with online media manipulation, protecting businesses and organizations. We combat misinformation, illegal behavior such as acts of fraud, manipulation of public opinion and damage to reputation and image, promoting an ethical and transparent use of technology.

The threats created by artificial intelligence are increasingly widespread and sophisticated, relying on an expert partner for their timely identification is not only a strategic advantage but has become a real necessity.



Human resources and the right partners are the key to the success of every company, for this reason it is essential to choose them with care and attention.

Our Vetting service is a strategic investment that allows businesses and organizations to make informed and informed decisions.

Our solution, aligned with the highest standards of quality and integrity, is built on the basis of the company's specific needs, taking into account both the requirements of the reference sector and the risk profile.

Through the use of advanced technologies and experienced professionals, we verify and evaluate the qualifications, reliability, suitability and credentials of an individual, a company or another entity, in order to assist in business recruitment, the creation of business partnerships or the acquisition of companies.

Our scrupulous controls, combined with the most careful evaluations, are designed to detect potential warning signs, mitigate risks, protect corporate reputation and allow companies to hire new resources or start collaborations with confidence.

We help companies to create their ideal work team and to develop winning partnerships.