When the pillars of mutual trust and fairness erode, it is essential for companies to have adequate defense and response systems.

Violations of agreements, whether they originate from internal entities or derive from actions outside the organization, can significantly affect economic and reputational stability.

Managing investigations, litigation and conflict resolution appropriately, while protecting business value, can prove to be extremely complex.

Our Fraud Investigation services guarantee comprehensive support, designed to effectively address illegal activities and minimize associated risks.

We use decades of investigative experience and advanced intelligence to provide integrated solutions, capable not only of identifying and counteracting, but also of preventing future critical issues and vulnerabilities, thus safeguarding security and business integrity.

Our multidisciplinary team develops customized investigative strategies based on the specific needs of companies, operating with the utmost confidentiality and ensuring the satisfaction of regulatory requirements and compliance.

Unfair competition
Loyalty of members
Registered trademark protection
Aliunde perceptum
Theft in the company
Royalties & Licensing
Violation of the non-competition agreement
Double work employees
Artificial Intelligence Fraud
Insurance Fraud

Unfair competition

In the competitive business world, protecting your company from acts of unfair competition is critical to maintaining success and safeguarding your reputation.

Through iWhistleblowing, in-depth investigations, we highlight potentially unfair and unfair practices, providing businesses and organizations with the information and elements necessary to protect their interests, promoting ethical business practices and defending market integrity.

Using the latest generation of monitoring and surveillance technologies, we carry out a continuous and detailed analysis of the market, identifying potential threats before they turn into concrete problems.

With a deep knowledge of market dynamics and regulatory frameworks, our multidisciplinary team composed of experts in Digital Forensics, Intelligence and Risk Analysis, meticulously analyzes and evaluates the existence of any forms of parasitic or unfair competition, predicting and quantifying the potential impact on the company and suggestingproactive defense strategies.

We develop services tailored to specific business needs, ensuring that the company's intellectual property and competitive advantages are adequately protected.


Loyalty of members

In the dynamic business environment, shareholder loyalty is a crucial element for the long-term success of one's business.

Through advanced forensic analysis and compliance assessments, we help prevent and identify behavior that is potentially fraudulent or contrary to the interests of the company, helping to build a solid and fair corporate future.

We use cutting-edge methodologies and techniques to review and monitor shareholders' financial communications and transactions, ensuring that all activities are transparent and in line with business objectives.

We take a multifaceted approach to offer a complete overview: we execute regular compliance assessments to verify that members comply with current contractual agreements and regulations, and we implement anonymous reporting systems to allow employees to report misconduct without fear of retaliation.

Furthermore we develop customized training programs to strengthen corporate culture and fundamental values among members, aiming to consolidate work ethic and promote a deep understanding of business expectations.
Finally, in the event of disagreements or disputes between members, we provide legal support to resolve issues fairly and productively, protecting the interests of the company and maintaining strong relationships within the management team. Our experts specialized in corporate governance ensure that all decisions comply with legal norms and ethical good practices.


Registered trademark protection

In a highly competitive global scenario, defending your registered trademark is crucial to maintaining the uniqueness and value of the company.

Our strategic service protects the brand from counterfeiting and misuse and at the same time enhances it, amplifying its recognition, helping to strengthen the corporate identity on the market.

Through cutting-edge monitoring and surveillance technologies, we continuously scan the web, databases and international markets, identifying any attempt at unauthorized use of the brand and ensuring a global and immediate coverage.

Our legal experts, specialized in intellectual property rights, assist the company by managing the complexity of national and international laws, while our technicians implement proactive strategies to combat any potential infringement.

We offer integrated management solutions for your trademark portfolio, ensuring that each registration is properly maintained and renewed in accordance with the relevant laws and regulationswe develop tailor-made training programs to raise awareness about brand protection and the risks associated with violations.

We help companies to strengthen their culture of intellectual property protection and to enhance brand recognition and reliability, transforming it into a strategic asset.


Aliunde perceptum

In a complex and constantly evolving work environment, properly managing situations of aliunde perceptum is essential to protect business interests.

We use our thirty years of experience in corporate investigations to assist companies in protecting their rights in the event of labor disputes and alternative compensation.

Our service offers detailed analysis and expert management, ensuring that every detail is treated with precision and compliance with current regulations.

Through cutting-edge technological tools and reliable proactive monitoring, we carefully review all alternative compensation received by employees, including salaries, bonuses and benefits, determining the correct calculation of the allowances due. We carry out internal audits to review compensation management practices, identifying any irregularities or inefficiencies and providing detailed recommendations to improve business processes and ensure transparent and compliant management alternative compensations.

Our strategic approach involves specialized legal support to interpret contractual clauses and regulations related to aliunde perceptum, ensuring compliance with current laws. We provide training and updating sessions on legislative and case law news for staff, ensuring that the competent team is informed and prepared, allowing the company to always be up to date with regulations. Each service is customized to meet specific business needs and ensure maximum effectiveness.

Our long experience in the strategic business sector and our constant commitment to innovation make us the ideal partner for managing alternative compensations and situations of aliunde perceptum.


Theft in the company

In a business environment where security is paramount, protecting the company from theft and embezzlement is essential to maintain business continuity and prevent financial losses.

We develop customized solutions and use advanced technologies to effectively prevent, detect and manage all types of theft within businesses and organizations, ensuring the security and integrity of corporate assets.

We conduct in-depth assessments of specific theft risks, identifying vulnerable points and potential threats, and we carry out detailed analyses of the security measures in place, suggesting appropriate improvements to strengthen their protection. We install state-of-the-art security systems to constantly monitor all sensitive areas and use cutting-edge technological solutions to detect and prevent suspicious activity in real time.

We combine solid investigative techniques and innovative forensic methodologies to identify and acquire useful evidence against those responsible for thefts and we support the company in managing legal and operational implications.

We promote a careful and responsible corporate culture through training programs to sensitize staff on security practices and the prevention of theft, providing periodic updates and keeping the team always informed and prepared.


Royalties & Licensing

In today's competitive environment, where intellectual property is an invaluable asset, ensuring the protection of royalties and licensing rights is not only a legal issue, but a fundamental component of business strategy.

Through constant and in-depth monitoring of user licenses, we verify the correct application of contractual terms, preventing abuse and violations and protecting individual intellectual property rights.

With years of experience in the sector, we combine legal, technical and strategic expertise to offer a complete, effective and always cutting-edge protection service.

Using the most modern technologies, we ensure that all transactions related to licenses are transparent and accurate, identifying any discrepancies and anomalies, and we intervene promptly to resolve cases of unauthorized use and counterfeiting, ensuring continuous and reliable protection.

We offer dedicated training for employees, ensuring that each asset is perfectly aligned with royalty protection and licensing procedures.


Violation of the non-competition agreement

In the current business environment, business know-how constitutes a precious asset that companies cannot give up, under penalty of strengthening their competitors.

We protect companies from possible violations of non-competition agreements, safeguarding their strategic and competitive interests and preserving the integrity of the business model.

We combine proactive monitoring and advanced intelligence to analyze in detail the activities of subjects bound by non-competition agreements, verifying that there are no violations and supervising potentially competitive commercial activities. Making use of a solid experience in digital forensic analysis and using cutting-edge technologies, we collect and examine all electronic data that may reveal non-compliant behavior.

True to our holistic vision, we legally support companies in the event of legal action and offer training programs for employees and managers, promoting a corporate culture based on transparency and compliance with regulations.


Double work employees

In an increasingly dynamic and competitive market, managing employees' double work is crucial to protect business interests and ensure maximum productivity.

We combine intelligence services and advanced technologies to effectively detect, prevent and manage cases of unauthorized double work, preserving trust and transparency within organizations.

Thanks to our solid expertise in corporate investigations, we use advanced investigative techniques and sophisticated monitoring tools to collect concrete and detailed evidence to support possible disciplinary or legal actions.

We provide support in managing crises related to double work by formulating tailor-made strategies to minimize the impact on business productivity, ensuring safety and operational integrity.

Through specialized legal advice, we ensure full compliance with current laws and support HR teams in preparing clear and effective internal policies to prevent and manage double work.
We offer training programs to raise employee awareness and we organize workshops and information sessions to update staff on the regulations and best practices to be adopted.



In the modern business landscape, unexcused absenteeism represents a significant threat to a company's operational efficiency and overall productivity.

With the integration of the most advanced technologies and a personalized approach, we guarantee optimal management of human resources, detecting and preventing abnormal and unauthorized behavior.

The combination of sophisticated artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms, allows us to analyze employee behavior patterns and to quickly identify irregularities and possible cases of simulation.
Through an accurate behavioral analysis and using advanced cross-verification systems, our specialists identify any abuses and suspicious patterns of use of permits and assess the legitimacy of absences.

We provide certain and irrefutable evidence, can be produced in court and we legally assist companies if they intend to take corrective action.
Our advanced solutions ensure complete and decisive management, protecting the company and significantly reducing unexcused absences, improving operational efficiency.

Through our strategic solutions, we manage every type of absence, including:

  • Simulation of the disease;
  • Misuse of trade union permits;
  • Misuse of parental leave permits;
  • Abuse of permissions deriving from law 104/1992.

Our long experience in corporate investigations and our constant commitment to the search for increasingly performing tools and methodologies, make us the ideal partner to effectively deal with the phenomenon of unjustified absence.


Artificial Intelligence Fraud

In a world where artificial intelligence is at the center of business innovation, fraud related to the use of this technology is a growing concern for companies. It is important to be able to recognize them promptly to better protect yourself.

With our advanced AI-created fraud detection, prevention and management solutions, we offer a cutting-edge service in the field of cyber security, protecting corporate reputation and strengthening its competitiveness in the market.

Let's create customized solutions and we use the best performing technologies to effectively manage all types of AI scams, such as data manipulation, the creation of deepfakes, phishing, the dissemination of disinformation and the falsification of transactions.

We identify potential critical scenarios and suspicious behavior through advanced intelligence services, adopting a predictive approach to security which allows us to provide forecasts and develop strategies Proactive defense.

We identify any pain points and detect suspicious activity and anomalies in the data in real time, providing strategic recommendations on the best security protocols to implement.

We ensure that all AI systems comply with current regulations and security standards, protecting sensitive data from unauthorized access and fraudulent manipulation.

We use our thirty years of experience in corporate investigations to identify and acquire evidence against those responsible for fraud and we legally support businesses.

We provide awareness programs on the risks and consequences of artificial intelligence, promoting an ethical use of technology and we organize workshops and refresher information sessions.

Demonstrating a proactive commitment to the fight against digital scams strengthens the corporate image and increases the confidence of investors, partners and customers.


Insurance Fraud

In an increasingly complex and dynamic business landscape, protection against insurance fraud is a necessity. Preventing them means reducing financial losses and operating costs associated with the management of fraudulent claims and strengthens the corporate image, increasing the confidence of investors, customers and partners.

Our insurance fraud protection service combines cutting-edge tools and predictive technology to safeguard business security and the integrity of every transaction.

We use the most advanced technologies in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze and monitor thousands of transactions in real time, promptly identifying suspicious patterns and abnormal behavior, drastically reducing the risk of false positives and negatives.

Aware that every company has unique needs, we propose a fully modular service that can be easily integrated with existing systems of the company.

Our customized solutions are adaptable to any sector and business size, ensuring protection Tailor-made that fits perfectly suited to every need.

A reference point in strategic consultancy applied to cyber security, we suggest the best solutions to companies and support them during the implementation phase and beyond.

We offer dedicated training for staff, ensuring that every member of the team is perfectly aligned with the new security procedures.