Who we are

Leaders and innovators in the intelligence sector, we specialize in strategic consulting for companies.

With our main offices in Rome, Milan, Turin and London, which guarantee a global presence, and the wide range of services in different areas, we represent a point of reference for organizations looking for in-depth information and analysis, who need to orient themselves in complex and constantly changing scenarios.

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High performance

Our ability to offer precise, clear and reliable answers is supported by a multidisciplinary team of highly qualified experts.

The wide range of skills and the deep sectoral knowledge of our professionals, combined with the use of the most advanced technologies, allows the elaboration of timely and accurate strategic analyses.

Furthermore, a flexible and solid organizational structure allows you to create customized solutions and to act decisively and quickly: crucial characteristics to adapt dynamically to today's changes, as well as to guarantee answers that are always updated and effective.


Global network

We make use of a dense and extensive network of contacts and partnerships, which extends far beyond our European offices, touching realities in various parts of the world.

These collaborations allow us to access local resources and expertise, ensuring that the strategies and solutions provided are always relevant and optimized, ensuring compliance with the national and international regulations of each country.


Strategic consultancy

With thirty years of experience, we have established ourselves as one of the leading players in strategic consulting services for companies.

With our advanced solutions and our customized strategies, we help companies not only to remain competitive, but also to acquire a leading position in the reference market.

We guide companies towards faster and more targeted decision-making processes, constituting a serious and competent partner.



Fraud Investigation

Digital Forensics





Strategic support, data and advanced insights to anticipate critical situations and recognize business opportunities.

Integrated strategic investigation services to effectively discover and manage illegal activities inside and outside organizations.

Advanced forensic solutions to safeguard and protect corporate rights, know-how and digital security.

Personalized cybersecurity strategies and innovative predictive models to defend against cyber threats.

Cutting-edge vertical tools and skills to ensure the safety of production processes, human capital and all business assets.

Integrated solutions to help companies monitor and adapt to regulatory changes effectively.

Data-driven and AI-based tools and platforms to optimize operational processes and obtain clear and reliable results.



Strategic support, data and advanced insights to anticipate critical situations and recognize business opportunities.

Fraud Investigation

Integrated strategic investigation services to effectively discover and manage illegal activities inside and outside organizations.

Digital Forensics

Advanced forensic solutions to safeguard and protect corporate rights, know-how and digital security.


Personalized cybersecurity strategies and innovative predictive models to defend against cyber threats.


Cutting-edge vertical tools and skills to ensure the safety of production processes, human capital and all business assets.


Integrated solutions to help companies monitor and adapt to regulatory changes effectively.


Data-driven and AI-based tools and platforms to optimize operational processes and obtain clear and reliable results.

In a rapidly evolving cyber threat environment, an appropriate cyber defense strategy is imperative for the protection and success of any business entity.
We support companies with specific targeted consulting services and advanced security operational solutions.

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Advanced Bug Bounty

Identify any vulnerabilities within business networks and systems.


Cyber Recovery

Service that can be activated following cyberattacks to ensure business continuity and minimize losses.


Incident Response

Advice, prevention and containment of any computer incidents.


Penetration Testing (PT)

Non-invasive IT security assessment, aimed at sanitization and prevention. ^


Cyber Risk Assessment

Analysis and assessment of the level of resilience of IT infrastructures and of every element, internal or external, to the organization.


Red Teaming

Ethical hacking activity that tests the responsiveness and integrity of a system, infrastructure, or network.


Cyber Security Awareness

Staff training on cyber threats and practices to adopt.

Fraud Investigation

When the pillars of mutual trust and fairness erode, it becomes essential for companies to have adequate defense and response systems.

Our services guarantee complete support, providing integrated solutions, capable not only of identifying and counteracting, but also of preventing future vulnerabilities, thus ensuring greater security and business integrity.

Digital Forensics

In a world where technology permeates every aspect of daily and professional life, the fields of application of Digital Forensics are multiple and constantly evolving.

Our innovative services are specifically aimed at obtaining digital evidence, combining the traditional technical-IT service with advanced consulting, in order to enhance what is detected in any legal and decision-making dynamic.

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Security is the backbone of any successful business strategy, since it is not only an aspect of precaution and caution, but a real imperative that defines the stability and reliability of companies over time.

Aware of the crucial importance of a safe environment, we provide integrated solutions that combine technological innovation and strategic expertise.


The ability to quickly obtain reliable and valuable information is essential to remain competitive in today's market.

We help companies to anticipate and manage critical situations and to recognize business opportunities, providing strategic support and encouraging a faster, more conscious and far-sighted decision-making process.


We guarantee high performance thanks to the use of cutting-edge software platforms.

Our data driven and AI-based solutions allow us to better manage operational processes, optimizing resources and timing.


Compliance with laws and regulations is crucial for the security and sustainability of businesses in an ever-changing regulatory environment.

Ensuring compliance is key to mitigating legal and reputational risks, as well as fostering investor and stakeholder confidence.